
Daily WoW News

Daily WoW News

Forum post of the day: Flying mounts in the old world

I was thrilled when Blizzard announce that the Burning Crusade would usher in flying mounts. Then we found out that we would only be able to use flying mounts in Outland, since Blizzard had not rendered some areas of the game.

Azerothean General Election
The results of the primary elections are in. In an unsurprising landslide victory, Thrall was confirmed as leader of the Horde faction by capturing 69.7% of the vote. Who was leader of the Alliance? Read on...

Two Bosses Enter: Sapphiron vs Kel'thuzad
Two bosses enter... but only one will get to leave in WoW Insider's series of fantasy death-matches. We've scoured the instances of Azeroth and Outland looking for the most interesting bosses Blizzard has to offer us and picked out a group of 32 to pit against one another ...

Defense cap defined

Many WoW players (and several of our readers) often comment that there is no such thing as a defense cap. This is true in the strict sense that there is no upper limit on how much defense you can have, nor any statistical diminishing returns. However...

Forum Post of the Day: What type of music do Azerothians make?

Acerba of Cenarion Circle started a pretty fun discussion the other day on her server boards: What type of music would typify various races and cultures of Azeroth? Sure, we all have our soundtracks for when we get tired of the in-game music, but what about your character?