
Event: Be the first to play CoD4's Variety Map Pack

Just as they did prior to Call of Duty 4's release back in October, Activision and Gamestop are hosting a Call of Duty 4 Variety Map Pack preview event that'll allow gamers to be the first to play the new Variety Map Pack DLC. The bad news is that only two events are being held in all of North America, one in New York and one in San Jose. But if you live in or around those cities, then make the jump to get all the details and head over to one of the two Gamestop events tonight to play the new DLC before its April 3rd release. Also, Gamestop will be handing out free goodies, holding a few giveaways and handing out Variety Map Pack redemption tokens to the first 100 attendees at each event. So, that alone may be worth the travel.