
Broken Review's PSP toughness test is hard to watch

The above video is definitely not for the squeamish. Broken Review's toughness tests are incredibly thorough and painful to watch. This video is the last in their series as the PSP managed to make it through the other three durability and stress tests while still working. They manage to finally break the machine beyond repair and then, just to make sure, throw it against a wall and tear it to pieces with their bare hands. Harsh.

The Slim & Lite model scored a modest 65% in the Broken Review test, with the unprotected screen and flimsy UMD drive letting it down, somewhat. The moral of the story being that if you have a PSP Slim & Lite then make sure you buy some screen protectors or a keep it in a case. That, or don't throw it from a moving vehicle. If you're ready for some more PSP based masochism then step this way and watch the rest of the Broken Review videos.