
COD4 DLC delayed until the 10th, April Fools?

Considering the day that it is, we would usually have immediately discarded this news had it not come right from the official Game of the Year site. That site is now listing the Call of Duty 4Variety Map Pack for release on April 10th, rather than the previously scheduled date of April 3rd. This could just be Infinity Ward using the date to give its audience a bit of a scare at April Fools' expense, as the other official site has no date at all for the DLC, nor news about its delay. Combined with the fact that the GOTY edition is still set to release on the third, and the fact that the GOTY site doesn't appear to have full functionality, it seems unlikely that this news is accurate. Though of course there is still that possibility, as this is a rather humorless joke and we like to think that Infinity Ward is capable of something much funnier.

[Via Exophase]