
Wii Warm Up: For recent lottery winners

You know, we at Wii Fanboy never really stop to thank our millionaire and billionaire readers. We appreciate the fact that you take the time every day to silently nod toward your butler. signaling him to load Wii Fanboy on your 24K gold laptop as you sit inside your jacuzzi full of $100 bills and rare, priceless rubies. We're thankful you come here each and every day!

So, here's something for you. A fellow is selling his entire NES collection (739 games!) and, as of the time of this post, the highest bid is a little over 8 grand. What with you being a billionaire and all, though, we're sure you'll be fine.

Given this is a morning topic of discussion and the possibility that you might be reading this and aren't filthy rich, we ask you: how many NES games do you own? Got rid of your NES long ago or did you hold onto it and cherish it like a good little gamer?

[Via Go Nintendo]