
Infinity Ward reassures Call of Duty 4 map pack coming this week

So it turns out the Call of Duty 4 Variety Map Pack is coming out this week, after all. Despite the official COD4 Game of the Year website decreeing an April 10 release date for the downloadable content, Infinity Ward's blogger extraordinaire fourzerotwo posted reassurances today that the map pack is "NOT delayed" (his emphasis) and that there's a good chance the maps will be available tomorrow night or early Friday.

"For those of you asking when you should take off work, I'd take off Friday," he said. It's a good thing we at Joystiq can work and play Call of Duty 4 (we're spoiled like that ... and ambidextrous). For those with the Game of the Year Edition, the provided tokens will work as soon as the maps become available.