
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed unleashes on Sept. 16

The game that lets players become Darth Vader's personal protégé will be hitting North American retail stores on September 16 of this year. The Southeast Asian and Australian version will see release on store shelves by Sept. 17. Meanwhile, Europeans can pick up their copies on Sept. 19.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
puts players in the shoes of Darth Vader's secret apprentice whose task is to help the dark lord execute Jedi genocide. This all goes down during the time between the films Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

Also of note, Spike TV will be getting exclusive gameplay footage during their double weekend Star Wars marathon. This will run from this Friday April 4 through Sunday April 6, and next Friday April 11 through April 13. If you're interested in hearing more about that, then read all about it on LucasArts website. We guess that without any PSN updates for the next two weeks, you've just been given a nice alternative activity to keep you busy. Impeccable timing.