
Let our Muxtapes accompany your Wii time

Muxtape is a site that allows users to compile and share online mixtape-esque music collections. It's a fun way to share the music you love or LOL at with the people you care enough about to send a link. Since we enjoy pushing the things we like on other people sharing our interests, we decided to put together a couple and let the Wii Fanboy community have a listen. We've created two separate Muxtapes for your enjoyment:

  • DJFanboy is game-related or game-inspired music, and

  • DJFanboy2 is just stuff we like to listen to!

Both of these would be great soundtracks for game time, or a nice way to stream some music into the living room through the Wii browser! If you think listening to these is fun, you should try making one! And even more fun than that, we bet, is leaving us a comment to tell us about the Muxtape you've just made.