
Earthworm Jim 4 announced, platform unknown

While many gamers of the 360 generation will not know of the antics of Earthworm Jim, those more ancient gamers will recall Princess What's-Her-Name, Psy-Crow, and others. When the rumors began that there would be a continuation of the franchise, we were admittedly excited. Now, we discover that Earthworm Jim 4will happen and that the original creator, Douglas TenNapel, is back on the series as a creative consultant (he's also working on a cartoon and movie based on the property.) There were no other details announced (not even a platform), but given the changes in the industry since the series' heyday, we'd love to see Earthworm Jim 4 take some sort of alternative to the usual "reinventions" of franchises. Perhaps a 2D side-scroller/platformer with 3d character models, released on XBLA (maybe even with episodic content?). Yeah, that's a nice dream.