
Cinemassively: Thrall's Crib

Lagspikefilm must watch a lot of MTV. Not only did he parody MTV Cribs in this World of Warcraft machinima, but we're embarassed to admit that he got it down to the letter. Not that we watch MTV or anything. We're too busy playing and reviewing MMOs!

There are too many great parts in this video to mention them all, but some highlights from Thrall's Crib include epic mounts, embarassing hair, and the mature manner in which he faces problems. Next time we're ready to upgrade our pad in WoW, we'll be sure to consult this video for ideas. In the meantime, enjoy the tour and the perfect camera work!


If you have machinima or movie suggestions from any MMO, please send them to machinima AT massively DOT com, along with any information you might have about them.