
One Shots: Culling the herd

Never let it be said that our Massively readers aren't some of the most awesome gamers. Today's One Shots isn't just a cool Lord of the Rings Online screenshot, but shows off how thoughtful one of our readers and his fellowship are. Captain Finudir writes:

When our Fellowship learned that the good, hardy people of Esteldin were on the brink of going hungry, we decided to go beyond the call of duty and provide them with enough auroch meat and hides to see them through the winter. These beasts don't fall easy, but with some careful work we set about our task. In this picture you see, from left to right, Finudir Captain of Gondor, Capi of Everclear Lakes and Galoros our Elven companion. To the far right is none other than Alamast, Herald of Gondor. Many an observer that happened to pass by would ask questions such as: "What in the world happened here" and "What did these poor aurochs do to you?"

Do you have a screenshot of you and your group running around in your favorite game? If so, we'd love to see it. Just send it to us here at oneshots AT We're always looking for more screenshots to share!