
The Daily Grind: Does chat break immersion?

There are areas in Second Life devoted to roleplaying. There are roleplaying servers for several of the major MMOs. Obviously, these exist to fulfill the need for full-immersion experiences, away from the frequently inane chatter to be had in most games's chat. But outside of these specialized environments, it's open to all and sundry, the polite and foul-mouthed alike.

In a futuristic scenario like Tabula Rasa's, or an alternate modern setting like Hellgate: London, players can get away with contemporary language. Yet even there, if the talk comes around to non-game issues, it breaks the suspension of disbelief just enough to remind you you're just a person playing a game, rather than a character inhabiting the game world. Is this bothersome? Do you turn off general chat whenever possible? Are you perfectly happy feeling one step removed from the game's reality, and don't need the immersive experience?