
Genero-fantasy to reign with new, free Runes of Magic

Have you ever dreamed about being a medieval knight or magic-wielder? Does the thought of castles or chivalry fill you with feelings of excitement? Have you been living under a rock for the last fifteen years and totally missed all the excellent games that meet and exceed these criteria? Then boy do we have the game for you!

All snark aside, Frogster Interactive sent us a line this morning informing us that they've put out a trailer for their upcoming free-to-play fantasy game Runes of Magic. While neither the trailer nor the accompanying press release give us the greatest insight into what sets their world of Taborea apart from every other generic fantasy game on the market right now, and truthfully the trailer is less than exciting, we always try to reserve judgment until we've seen more concrete materials, especially for a free title. For those more in touch with the Asian MMO market, this Taiwan-developed MMO is known over there as Radiant Arcana. It should release in all English-speaking territories by the end of the year. Click on through below the cut to check out the trailer.