
Rumor: Soulcalibur to hit XBLA next week

It looks like our crazy page theory might be right after all. According to the Japanese product page for the Xbox Live Arcade release of the original Soulcalibur, Namco Bandai has scheduled the classic fighter for release next week. Of course this date could change like so many delayed XBLA titles before it have but international page leaks usually pan out for release dates.

Clocking in at 800MS Points, Soulcalibur (XBLA) includes the standard HD upgrade and LIVE leaderboard support other retro revivals see but Namco Bandai has confirmed the title will not include online multiplayer support. While we still have fond memories of the 1999 Dreamcast release, we scratch our heads at the decision to opt out of the online versus upgrade. With Soul Calibur IV on the horizon we wonder, what's the point? Hopefully Namco Bandai will revisit the release and upgrade it with online support much like they did Tekken: Dark Resurrection for the PSN. But, we're not holding our breath.