
It's-a Mario World: Mario's Many Professions, Part 2 of 2

We're back this week with the riveting conclusion of our two-part feature on Mario's professions. Last week, we uncovered some startling truths about Mario's early career, how he hit the scene as a kind-of carpenter with plumbing skills who was also licensed to prescribe medication and scale the throne of a tennis god. Then there was that whole dressing up like an Indian thing, which pretty obviously pointed to prurient debauchery.

Anyway, the weird keeps on trucking. We've yet to reveal (or remind you of) Mario's part-time endeavors after 1991, back when he dropped a POW on a Pawn Shop, faced eviction from the kingdom's sewer-ghetto and struggled through 'shroom addiction. Yeah, this hero has been a long time in the making, but for the purposes of this feature let's focus on his game appearances and the types of jobs he had in them. Onward to the gallery!

It's-a Mario World is a weekly feature in which the ubiquity of Nintendo's flagship character is celebrated: We'll incessantly ruminate about mustache wax, debate the curious whereabouts of the princess and covet the luminous power stars strewn about the galaxy. Check back here every Thursday to find out what strange and wonderful thing has got us tipping our caps.