
Wii Warm Up: The rising dead

We've spent a little time lately talking about Dead Rising: Chop 'Til You Drop, and can you blame us? The original is one of the most fun experiences available on the Xbox 360, and shifting the perspective to match Resident Evil 4 sounds like it could be a really good move. Here, too, is one game in which "waggle" is pretty well-suited to the action; if you played Dead Rising and didn't shake the controller the first time a zombie grabbed you, you've stronger nerves than we have.

Did you play the original? If so, what do you think of the proposed changes? We're wary of the shift in the save system, frankly, but the few things we've heard make it sounds almost as though it's a nearly new game. If you didn't play the 360 title, what do you think of this style of port, and this game in particular? Also, what do you think of the subtitle?