
One Shots: Facing off against the firing squad

Today's One Shots actually comes to us from our generous (and seriously envied) Senior Network Editor, Elizabeth Harper. For those of you trying to peg what area in World of Warcraft this is, we'll save you the trouble -- it's from Wrath of the Lich King. Liz let us know that this area is: Howling Fjord -- located near Vengeance Landing, the Horde camp you get to via Zeppelin from UC. The Undead are trying to finish off a group of Alliance whose ship crashed in the area. Of course, she then had to dash off and catch another plane as she generally does, but we thank her for sending this cool looking Wrath teaser along to share!

Did you also make it into the Wrath of the Lich King beta? With the NDA off, why not send some awesome screenshots of the new areas our way too. You know you want to share with all the rest of the poor folk (like this blogger) who didn't happen to make it in. Just send any and all screenshots of MMOs to us here at oneshots AT, and be sure to include a quick blurb about what we're looking at.