
Kingdom Hearts 358/Secondhand impressions

As usual, Square Enix showed a new trailer of one of their most anticipated games, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, at DKΣ3713, and as usual, that trailer was not released to the public (see also: closed-theatre Final Fantasy XIII trailers at TGS). We may not be able to see the trailer, but attendees were, and we can at least read their descriptions.

According to IGN's Jeff Haynes, the trailer introduces "an additional 14th member (of Organization XIII) who happened to be female that resembled Kairi." The trailer shows single- and multiplayer gameplay including multiple Organization members.

And if the trailer impressions aren't enough, Haynes even played the game. Apparently, the computer-controlled partner in single-player is actually capable for once: "In many cases, he would land two or three strikes before we had a chance to, which was particularly useful when we were surrounded."