
Washable Balance Board covers repel your grubby feet

Fact: feet are disgusting. Also a fact: the Wii Balance Board is very, very white. What price will you pay to keep it that way, and prevent mucky feet from tarnishing its perfect surface?

Linx Products hopes that you'll pay ¥1,554 (around $14). The company recently started marketing these ivory-colored protective covers for Nintendo's peripheral, and they're available now on Amazon Japan for exactly that price. They can be washed up to fifty times, and apparently feature ... some anti-bacterial agent that we couldn't decipher.

These are still Japan-only, so the rest of you will have to settle with sticking other stuff on your Balance Boards. Or you could just wash your damn manky feet.

[Via Balance Board Blog]

Putting your feet on the Balance Board and measuring your own BMI is so last year -- head here to read up on one blogger's quest to measure his apartment. And a cat.