
Weekly Deals: Gears PC $15 and free tees galore

Update: Toys R Us has their own Force Unleashed offer, giving away a $20 gift card with an in-store purchase of the game. (Thanks Jonathan)

We're trying something different this week with our analysis of the week's best gaming deals. We're going to present them in one, long, run-on sentence that may or may not be readable. So, here we go ...

There's a free t-shirt with a Force Unleashed purchase at Best Buy and over at Circuit City they have a free t-shirt and $5 gift card with Force Unleashed, free t-shirt with Rock Band 2, 10% off all Rock Band accessories, Gears PC for $15, $5 off a 12-month Xbox Live subscription, and $10 off a wireless adapter which, again, are ALL deals at Circuit City with absolutely nothing going on at Target this week. PHEW! Deep breath and now it's time to pass out on the kitchen floor.