
Video: Left 4 Dead playable zombie details

GameTrailers has released an extended version of its interview with Chet Faliszek, writer for Left 4 Dead. The interview focuses on the game's playable zombies, who do their best to do in the opposing team of human survivors. Competitive play has players switching between the human survivors and the zombie Infected each round. After each team plays as both sides, the score is tallied based on which team of survivors made it the farthest. Those controlling the Infected will utilze the special abilities of the more unique zombies such as the Smoker, who can reel humans in with a very long tongue. Working together, the Infected can create unique strategies to bring the humans down. An example given in the video is to reel in a player with a Smoker, and then use a Boomer character's vomit to attract more zombies to the area.

Oh yeah, did we mention that players controlling a Boomer get to use vomit as a weapon? Yeah, they do.