
Eight Deadly Sins of Gears 2's Horde mode

Are you aware of the seven deadly sins? No, no, not those deadly sins, we're talking about the Seven Eight Deadly Sins of Gears of War 2's Horde mode, which our OXM pals just posted.

OXM's list of Horde deadly sins was formed after recently getting a chance to try out Gears 2's four five player co-op Horde mode and each sin comes across as sound advice. Horde mode advice that not only will save you from being called a "n00b" or "bag of loser dust", but advice that could potentially aid in your team's Horde mode success. You can read all eight deadly sins after the jump, but we just have to point out our two favorites. Number two "Thou Shalt Not Hang Around In The Spawn Zones Like A Douche" and number five "Thou Shalt Not Go All OCD And Take Every Ammo Box" sound spot on to us.