
Show and Tell: Epic

We're taking a little break from our regular format this week in order to do something very simple: make you jealous as hell. Reader John has some good stuff -- hardware, gear, extras -- but not so much that it's really notable. We do like the plush Kirby, though. No, what brings us here today, agape and agog, is his collection of DS games, which stood at 209 titles when he sent in these pictures, with more on the way.

So today, John, we salute you, O Buyer of Games. And, uh, got anything we could borrow?


Show and Tell is all about fan stuff, so long as it's Nintendo-related. We love to see your collections, your crafts, your frosted creations, your t-shirts and swag of all sorts.

Just snap a few pictures, tell us what's up, and send it all to showmeit [at] dsfanboy [dot] com. We'll take care of the rest. Not a handy type, but found something neat? Send us a link instead.