
Moria's legendary items unearthed

Just to keep us salivating about the upcoming Mines of Moria expansion to Lord of the Rings Online, Turbine has quietly put up a page of information about the new legendary items system. Legendary items are items that drop from completions of some instances or from some sentient creatures. Initially the object's true power is shrouded in mystery, and only very basic information is available. With the help of a Forge master however, the origins, history and special qualities of the item can be revealed.

It doesn't stop there, though -- a legendary item, once slotted, will gain experience points and level up. They can even gain titles of their own through the completion of special Eregion and Moria quests. After ten levels, however, your item has gained a sufficiently new legacy in its time with you, and must be renamed and reforged, before it can continue to advance.

Of course, if you're no stickler for tradition or for the masterworks of your ancestors, such a legendary artifact can be broken down into relics, each of which may be used to enhance another legendary item.

Up to six legendary items can be slotted on your Middle Earth hero, but until an item is actually slotted, it can still be bought and sold. Check out Turbine's delicious guide to legendary items, with some nifty UI shots.

If that's not enough of the legendary Khazad-dûm to whet your appetite for this ancient dwarf empire, we recently had a hands-on dev tour with the Mines of Moria expansion, and came away with a visual tour of this subterranean sovereignty, and video footage as well!