
Primo Sguardo (First Look): Cucchiaio d'Argento

If you like to cook and eat Italian cuisine, this iPhone app will make you very happy. Il Cucchiaio d'Argento (The Silver Spoon) has been the definitive recipe book for traditional Italian cooking for the past 50 years, and now it's available for iPhone.

This cookbook, available in the App Store for US$9.99 or €7.99 (click opens iTunes), features over 250 classic and tested recipes. Updates will add more of the 2,000+ recipes in the cookbook. Many of the recipes include notes about their history or tradition, or provide hints on excellent wines to try as an accompaniment to your meal.

Ingredients are listed in both metric and imperial measures. There's space to add your own notes to recipes; this is helpful when making variations to the standard recipes.

In real-life usage, the app works well. My only complaint is that the "add to shopping list" button only adds the ingredients, not the actual quantity of each item. There's no Mac version of the application, but you can always purchase the analog version of Il Cucchiaio d'Argento from most bookstores and Amazon. Check out the gallery below for more screenshots of the app in action.

Many thanks to the readers who corrected Google's lousy translation!
