
Pro wrestler starts gaming column

TNA wrestler Cristian Cage (a.k.a Jason Reso) is a hardcore gamer. That's not very surprising -- plenty of sports stars these days take their love of competition to the consoles. Cage is now writing a monthly column for GameTap. That's not too surprising -- gaming sites all over are looking for well-known names and original voices to speak to gamers in a new way. Cage's column is actually pretty good. That ... is kind of surprising.

No, Cage's first column isn't going to change the way you look at gaming or anything, but the introduction managed to hold our interest with tales of motion-capping, fame-coping and Top Spin 2 addiction/domination. Whatever you think of the writing, you have to admit it's decidedly different from most of the nigh-indistinguishable game writing out there. For that, we're very grateful.