
Call for Heroes: Pompolic Wars no longer vaporware, possibly shovelware

Did you forget about Call for Heroes: Pompolic Wars? Don't worry, so did we.

This PC port was supposed to come out at the end of last year, but disappeared off the face of the earth instead. We know many of you are RPG starved, though, so you may be glad to know that media for the game has finally surfaced.

IGN has some screens of Data Design Interactive's upcoming Wii game, but we're not sure when to expect the title. As you can probably deduce from the images, Call for Heroes also fits into the fantasy genre, and involves fighting demonic hordes to save the world -- your usual fantasy fare.

Yet, you may find yourselves weary of this game; after all, DDI is the company responsible for traumatic titles such as Ninjabread Man and other shovelware. The PC version (which released last summer) also got an average score of 25% on Metacritic, which is a pretty bad sign.

You can judge for yourself whether or not this game looks good, though, by checking out the screens posted after the break.