
Verizon adds first radio station to VCAST TV lineup

Not to be outdone by the promise of two exclusive channels promised on AT&T's MediaFLO rollout, Verizon has added two new channels of its own to its VCAST TV lineup -- including the very first radio station to hit the service. ESPN Radio may not have much in the way of rump-shaking tunes, but it'll offer subscribers a hearty slate of sports talk programming available on traditional ESPN Radio affiliate stations across the country. We'd sorta like to see this bandwidth used to provide stations that you can't find on your FM or AM dial, but in terms of reaching out to the largest target demographic possible, we'll admit, this is probably a good place to start. Joining ESPN Radio is MTV Tr3s, MTV's Latin-themed music channel that marks an expanded foray into the still unprofitable, still largely uncharted world of mobile television. Both new channels are available starting tomorrow.

Read - ESPN Radio
Read - MTV Tr3s