
Mounts of the World of Warcraft: Skills

To be able to use any mount you first need to be able to ride it. This is accomplished by purchasing the Riding skill. You can purchase new levels of riding skills at 40, 60, and 70.

At level 40 you can purchase the Apprentice Riding Skill. This skill lets you ride rare, or normal, ground mounts. At level 60 you can purchase the Journeyman Riding Skill, which lets you ride epic ground mounts. You can purchase these skills at the following locations, based on your race:

  • Blood Elf - Perascamin, Entrance to Silvermoon City, Eversong Woods

  • Orc - Kildar, The Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar

  • Tauren - Kar Stormsinger, Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore

  • Troll - Xar'Ti, Sen'jin Village, Durotar

  • Undead - Velma Warnam, Brill, Trisfal Glades

At level 70 you can purchase the expert riding skill and the artisan riding skill. The expert riding skill lets you use rare flying mounts, and the artisan riding skill lets you use epic flying mounts. You can purchase these skills at the following locations, based on your faction:

  • Alliance – Llsa Blusterbrew – Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley

  • Horde – Olrokk – Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley

There are also several items and enchantments which can increase your riding skill. These special items are:

  • Riding Crop Trinket - 10% non-stacking increase to mount speed.

  • Carrot on a Stick Trinket - 3% stacking increase to mount speed.

  • Mithril Spurs Attachment - 4% stacking increase to mount speed.

  • Riding Skill Enchantment - 2% stacking increase to mount speed.

  • Paladin Crusader Aura - 20% non-stacking increase to mount speed.

A mount enhancement that stacks will work with other stackable enhancements to increase your total mount speed. An enhancement that doesn't stack will not. For instance if you have the 20% Paladin Crusader Aura on, you would not receive the 10% bonus provided by the Riding Crop trinket.

WoW Insider's Guide to the Mounts of the World of Warcraft

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