
LG looking over its shoulder for Nokia in Korea

The world's top five manufacturers play an everlasting game of cat and mouse (and mouse, mouse, and mouse), jockeying for revenue dominance in a world where market share means everything. Nokia's been eating everyone's lunch lately -- and everyone's been eating Moto's lunch -- but LG's pretty proud of itself for recently passing Sony Ericsson to become the world's number four. Even as it kicks back and enjoys its magnum of bubbly, though, there's little time to relax. The company's veep for marketing strategy says that it's "carefully watching" Espoo to see what tactical moves it makes in the coming months, and will counter with "product portfolio" and "marketing strength." The paranoia originally stems from rumors that Nokia would be dropping its prices and making a grand re-entrance into the South Korean market later this year, and while that probably doesn't pose a short-term threat to Samsung and LG's local dominance, the decision of the top player in the world to suit up and check into the game is always a cause for concern.

[Via mocoNews]