
Bandai's Peri Peri keychain lets you rip open shipping envelopes continually

Look, you don't have to explain to us how weird this thing is. Trust us, we fully understand. But as gadget editors, we have a certain love for receiving surprise packages and ripping 'em open as quickly as possible to discover what goodies reside within. Bandai's so-very-Japanese Peri Peri keychain is apt to appeal to the unboxers among us, as it recreates the unmistakable feeling of tearing open a rushed FedEx envelope. If there's a downside, it's that there's no new wares to be found after each opening, but on the other hand, at least there's no big dent on your credit card each time you "open" something new. Expect this gem to hit your keyring for just under $10 next month. Bonus video hosted up after the break.

[Via BoingBoing]