
Day 2 BlizzCon 2008 coverage from WoW Insider

BlizzCon 2008 came to an end, yesterday, drawing to a close ground zero for World of Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo players fandom. Another solid round of panels, interviews, and presentations for fans of Blizzard's numerous games fleshed out the second and final day of the event. WoW Insider, Massively's big sister site, was onhand to get all the info you want to hear about. So ... here it is: BlizzCon Day 2.

WoW Raids and Dungeons Panel
We'll be blogging the Raids and Dungeons panel live from the floor of BlizzCon, which should prove to be awesome. Full updates will be behind the break, so make sure you keep up! It will be starting in just a moment.

WoW PvP Panel
We're liveblogging the PvP panel from the floor of BlizzCon. Updates start after the break.

WoW Insider meets The Guild
We here at WoW Insider have been big fans of The Guild since day one -- way before Felicia Day sold appliances or hung out with Dr. Horrible, we knew she and her show were something special. And so, when we finally got a chance to meet The Guild today at BlizzCon, we made sure to take it.

Day 2 class panel
I know what you're thinking. "Didn't we have a class panel yesterday?" Well, of course we did, but as exciting as it was we had to come back for a second helping. We're live on the BlizzCon show floor, bringing you the latest class news and information straight from the developers' mouths and starting... right now!

Gallery: BlizzCon 2008 Art Gallery

BlizzCon 2008: The Art Gallery
It's not the flashiest place at BlizzCon -- until you step inside. While the gameplay demo areas and the developer panels have claimed most of the attention here at the convention, there are a few hidden treasures inside the booths, one of which is the Blizzard art gallery. The art inside spans across all of Blizzard's games, and though their games are beautiful, the art used in designing them is even moreso.

Blizzcon 2008 DVD production panel reveals WoW tidbits
Here's a secret gem from BlizzCon from our sister site, Big Download: The DVD Production panel. The DVD Production team, despite the name, actually oversees most of the video produced by or at Blizzard. That means that they had a hand in the South Park episode "Make Love Not Warcraft," as well as the "What's your Game" and "Lawgiver" commercials.

Mounts to be usable on water
During the Q&A Panel at BlizzCon, Blizzard surprised the audience by responding obtusely to the question of when mounts will be usable in dungeons. One of the most annoying things in the game is probably those times when you're trying to cross a stream or something, only to get dismounted and have to summon your mount again after you cross.

The Retro Arcade
Diablo III, Rock 'n' Roll Racing, and The Lost Vikings 2. What do all of these things have in common? They're all made by Blizzard, and they're all playable on the floor of BlizzCon 2008.

WoW Q&A Panel Liveblog
Hello Everyone! The Panel is about to start, and we have a front row seat. Check out the latest updates behind the break.

Dance contest highlights
The dance contest at BlizzCon this year was much like the costume contest: many funny, sometimes inept entries and one stand out that took the grand prize, no question. The winner performed the Undead Female dance, but she did more than just mimic the moves, she wove a spell of rythmic seduction and the 8,000 fans attending the contest couldn't get enough of it. You'll see her at the end of the footage above.