
MMO / movie mashup wins award, opens in New York

Some of you may already be aware than an MMO is playing a major part in a motion picture currently seeing release in the New York city indie film scene. The film, entitled Ben X, follows the exploits of a young man dealing with the pressures of ... being a young man. He struggles with bullying and self esteem issues, but does so in a somewhat filmicly-novel way: by playing an MMO. It got a mention at GamePolitics, pointing at a New York Times review of the Flemish movie.

Despite winning an award at a Montreal film festival, the NYT reviewer doesn't seem to think the film is all that great: "However representative of the chaos in his head, the film's relentlessly paranoid aesthetics come off more as a formal exercise in social dissonance than an empathetic study of human suffering." From this bloggers perspective the MMO in question - Archlord - just isn't that great either. So ... good to see an MMO get bigtime recognition on the silver screen, but we'll wait for the World of Warcraft movie.