
NXE trailer shows off Primetime [update]

Update: Apparently, as has been pointed out by numerous comments, this trailer is brain-staggeringly old (apart from the bit at the end that says the NXE is coming November 19). The editor responsible for posting this has been sacked and unceremoniously rehired.

Microsoft has released a trailer for the New Xbox Experience, showing off the new interface and some of its features (all set to a zippy soundtrack, of course). For anyone that's been following the NXE though, it's mostly old hat. That is except for the brief glimpse of Primetime, the nifty live gameshow concept that was originally supposed to launch with the NXE but was then unfortunately delayed until early 2009. Other than that, the video pretty much screams, "Hey look! We have Avatars! We're approachable too!" We'll just have to wait and see if the message lands with the casual audience Microsoft hopes to woo.

The NXE, incidentally, lands next Wednesday.