
Tank Spot and WoW Achievements become official fansites

Tank Spot and WoW Achievements have both been added to the official World of Warcraft fansite program. The fansite program is Blizzard's way of recognizing sites they like, and really contains an

excellent listing of places to get your WoW fix (besides WoW Insider, of course).

Tank Spot offers great community with forums, videos, and guides to virtually every aspect of tanking. The folks that frequent the site are quick to offer sound advice, and can often be seen on the official forums providing key discussion within the greater tanking community.

WoW Achievements is a relatively new site, and offers great information on all the achievements in-game and the players who earn them. One of the more interesting things on the site is a listing of the top players worldwide who've earned achievement points. If you're curious, the top player right now is Beelsebub over on Azuremyst EU. He's got 7630 achievement points, which is quite amazing.

If you're interested as to why WoW Insider is not part of the fansite program, you can check out an article by Mike Schramm back in August of last year.