
Preview of first two dungeons in Runes of Magic

Runes of Magic is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG. It is currently in open beta and will release March 19, 2009. According to a recent player review, ROM will feature a rich blend of PvP and PvE action. A big part of PvE in most fantasy MMOs is dungeon content and we just learned from that ROM will feature many types of dungeons, including normal instanced raids, camp, gated, and even PvP.

This feature goes into some detail about the first two dungeons you'll encounter in ROM called Moongorge and Barren Cave. They explain some of the quests that will send you off to explore these dungeons and even offer directions on how to get to them. The author gives insight on of the history and lore behind these dungeons, what kinds of monsters and monster-types you can expect to find inside, and strategies that will help you conquer the interior bosses. If you're a fan of WoW dungeons, ROM dungeons will probably feel a little familiar, however, the author still found them challenging and entertaining.