
Durham University uses Valve's Source Engine for fire drill simulation

Researchers at England's Durham University recently found a use for Valve's Source Engine that doesn't involve crowbars, headcrabs or unsettling, suited men -- using the engine's relatively simple tools, they've begun making fire drill simulations by recreating some of the university's departments, then coating them in virtual flame. The simulations are designed to not only teach users good fire safety practices, but to see how users react when confronted with snarling, searing death.

On that note, the gaming community should feel particularly proud of the results researchers have witnessed when gaming veterans go through the simulator -- according to one researcher, "if a door was on fire, they [gamers] would try and run through it, rather than look for a different exit." Just in case they weren't aware, we feel compelled to bring the fellow denizens of our cultural niche this important PSA: Fire is hot, and it hurts when you touch it.