
Rock Band track catalog gets statistical-ized

Have you ever found yourself wondering what a statistical breakdown of all the songs in Rock Band 2 might look like while in the midst of one of the game's heavy metal power solos? Admittedly, that's not the most hard rockingest thing we've ever heard -- still, you may want to point your mathematical curiosities at gaming blog Pwn or Die, who recently sorted the series' 591 tracks into different categories using simple bar graphs and delicious-looking pie charts.

Here's some of the more interesting tidbits we gleaned from the charts -- nearly three-quarters of the available songs come from DLC, though only about one-quarter of said content is currently available on the Wii version of the game. The decade that spawned the most of the available tracks is the 2000s (making up about 40 percent of the songs), while the tunes of the 1920s remain tragically unspoken for. You can check out the rest of the charts here!