
Amazon offers extra incentive for trade-ins (limited time only)

Ever since Amazon revealed its trade-in program, GameStop has felt threatened. First, stock dropped 13% and CEO Dan DeMatteo gave Amazon a zero percent chance of succeeding, then EEDAR stepped in to get GameStop's back. It's like the Sharks vs. the Jets all over again.

Amazon isn't taking all of this lying down, however, as it just announced an extra perk for trading in games. Not only will you get an Amazon gift card for your games, but now you will also get $20 off select new releases if you trade in 4 games before April 12, 2009. Looking over the list of new games that are available, it would seem Amazon hasn't neglected any of note: Resident Evil 5, Halo Wars, Killzone 2, and MadWorld are all there.

[Via GamerDeals]