
One Shots: Beware unknown space

One of the things many EVE Online players have been enjoying (including Massively's very own Brendan 'Nyphur' Drain) is scanning down random wormholes, looking to see if there's something interesting waiting on the other side. Sure, you might find riches, but alternately you might find yourself stuck, and then heavens knows where you'll wind up next. So - as with all things in EVE Online - fun, but potentially really dangerous. Today's One Shots shows off one such adventurous player, Existentialist, who was spending some time scanning. He writes in: I was scanning down Cosmic Anomolies with my Caldari Heron. It all went down the drain after this... Sadly, he doesn't elaborate, but we hope it wasn't too bad!

If you've found an strange or interesting area in your favorite game, we want to see it! Just send it to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name/corp/guild/etc and a quick description. We'll post it out here for all the Massively readers to see and give you the credit. (Besides, it's pretty cool to see your own screenshot up here, we think.)