
One Shots: And you thought your Mondays sucked

With the beginning of a new work week for many, there's something to be said for a enjoying a delicious moment of schadenfreude. Today's Lord of the Rings Online One Shots from our regular MMO contributor, Johanis, brings us one such moment of 'I'm glad that's not me'. He writes in: Here is a pic of Baylu and a friend she found while wandering around the Midgewater Marsh. I would say the next time you feel your job is hard think about this poor guy. Needless to say Baylu didn't stick around long enough to shake his hand. We just have to ask... is that flaming poo?

Do you have screenshots of your favorite game that you haven't sent in to us yet? If so, why are you holding back? You should gather those up and send them to us here at oneshots AT We can always use more screenshots to show off!