
Sega trademarks 'Resonance of Fate' and 'Resonance of Time'

Two new trademarks filed by Sega suggest that another RPG could be on the way from the company. Sega has become exceptionally RPG-friendly of late, with 7th Dragon, Sands of Destruction, Phantasy Star Portable and Zero, and the newly announced tri-Ace collaboration, End of Eternity.

Siliconera speculates that the new trademarks, Resonance of Time (filed in Japan) and Resonance of Fate (filed in the U.S.) could be alternate titles for End of Eternity. Time, fate and eternity all seem fairly closely interrelated!

Though the titles do have an RPG feel to them, they could be used for anything. The first Bleach DS fighting game was called Blade of Fate in North America, for example, and we think the sound-oriented Resonance of Time and/or Fate would be totally cool as titles for a rhythm-action game.

[End of Eternity screenshot via Famitsu]