
Patapon shirts coming Home this week

This Thursday, May 6, is the release date for the digital release of Patapon 2. It's also the day on which you can show off your love for the franchise by donning Patapon clothing within Home. They'll be available from the Threads store in the mall, though there's no word on whether they will be free or not. Acting as walking billboards is one thing, without having to pay for the pleasure.

Having said that, we wouldn't mind seeing those male tees made available in real life. If you agree, you can let the appropriate people know by indicating your favorite tee on the official Home forums or in the comments of the latest PlayStation Blog post. While you're in Home you may notice a video interview with the producer behind Patapon 2, Christian Hinojosa-Miranda, on the big screens. Check it out, he might have answered one of your questions.