
WoW Moviewatch: The Inevitable Cataclysm

Today's Moviewatch is a production of FlyingCow Studios. The Inevitable Cataclysm is a trailer for an upcoming PvP film. These things just keep getting more and more finely produced, don't they? Even though it's a trailer, I'm pretty sure that the final video will come to fruition. We'll have to wait and see if it actually lives up to this preview.

What's interesting about this is the implication of a story driving the inevitable PvP footage. We've seen other authors do similar, but I think FlyingCow is being very upfront about its own tongue-in-cheek nature. Of course, the same could be said about Buddhist's work. But while I felt like Buddhist had a lot of commentary in the video, "The Inevitable Cataclysm" feels more obviously sarcastic. The opening monologue is pretty over the top, and the "coming soon" seals the deal.

If nothing else, though,"The Inevitable Cataclysm" might be worth a faint chuckle for its 90 second run time. They did a good job of keeping it short and to-the-point, and letting us hope for more.

If you have any suggestions for WoW Moviewatch, you can mail them to us at machinima AT wowinsider DOT com.

Previously on Moviewatch