
One Shots: A look at Allods

With not just one, but two rounds of Allods Online beta keys flying off of our Massively Codes site, we figured it would be a matter of time before we started to see some images from this interesting F2P game currently in beta. Today's image comes to us from Pingles, who said they've cleared the Allods Online players to send in their images to us. He writes in: So far the Allods beta is going great and we have their permission to submit screenshots! My player Pingles has just reached his capital town and I'm very impressed by both the design and the quality of the artwork. Thanks for sharing with us! Hopefully we'll see more as people get in there and check it out.

If you've actually read this far, it means you must like One Shots, so why not send in some screenshots from your MMO gaming? We need lots more screenshot love, and you're the best ones to help us out. Just grab screenshots from your favorite MMO and send it to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name and a quick description. We'll showcase the screenshot and give you the credit for sending it along. You know you want to!