
Flickery 1.7 offers even more Flickr fun

We covered Flickery a while back, and it's been through a couple of big updates since our initial article. Flickery is a Mac-based client for Flickr that provides extensive search, browsing, uploading, and downloading capabilities. I've been using Flickery since its release as my primary means of working with the Flickr photos and videos for me and my friends. It's good-looking and has been a great time-saver.

Version 1.6, which came out at the end of October, brought batch editing of photos, video trimming, CoreLocation integration for photos taken within Flickery, faster pre-loading when browsing, and a lot of other new features. The latest version, 1.7, brings an impressive list of additional features which build upon the 1.6 release, including a new preferences panel, auto-resizing of uploaded photos, "Set as desktop picture" and "Download to Aperture" options, drag and drop integration with Finder and more. I've never had many problems with stability in Flickery, but the latest releases also include dozens of fixes for potential crashes and bugs.

There's a holiday sale on Flickery running until January 1st that brings the price of the application down to US$13.99 (a 25% savings). Normal pricing resumes after that, so Flickr users in search of a solid desktop client should take a look as soon as possible!