
Rock Band Wii store adds 6 tracks, DLC schedule syncing in Feb.

Harmonix announced today that six DLC tracks, previously released on other Rock Band enabled consoles, are now available on the Wii's Rock Band music store.

Individual songs (all tracks are 200 Wii Points/$2)

  • "March of the Pigs" - Nine Inch Nails

  • "The Collector" - Nine Inch Nails

  • "Rockaway Beach" - Ramones

  • "I Fought the Law" - Clash

  • "Margaritaville" - Jimmy Buffett

  • "Volcano" - Jimmy Buffett

The developer plans to continue releasing packets of previously released DLC content on Wii every week until it's completely synced with the library on Xbox 360 and PS3. Furthermore, starting in February, new DLC should also become available to Wii owners. Those preparing to start a Rock Band Wii music library better pick up a solid 2GB SD card for storage... just not the "official" one, please.