
CCP president points to the EVE community as their reason for success

These are tough economic times for everyone, but not all companies are experiencing a downturn. CCP, the developers of EVE Online, are finding success while many other companies are striving for larger subscriber numbers.

Gamasutra had the chance to catch up with CCP North American president Mike Tinney and interview him on CCP's success. Of note in the interivew is how much empasis Tinney places on supporting the community of players and working within a game's revenue stream, rather than overloading a game with big budget features to keep a dwindling population.

"There's a lot of strategies out there, and there's so many ingredients in the recipe of a successful MMO any one of them can throw the whole thing off," Tinney said to Gamasutra. "But I think the community is one of the most important ingredients."

If you wish to read the full interview, check it out over at Gamasutra.