
Bayonetta jumps to January 2010, hits Japan October 29

Following on the less fashionable (and deadly) heels of games such as BioShock 2 and Singularity, Sega's Bayonetta and its bespectacled title character have slid -- gracefully, we'd imagine -- into 2010 for the US and Europe; January '10, to be precise. Sega West president and COO Mike Hayes has commented, "As a result of market analysis we have taken a Publishing decision that January 2010 is the optimum release time in the Western Markets to maximize this exciting new title's potential."

Surely this has nothing to do with the prospect of going up again the "biggest entertainment launch of all time."

It was announced in April that Bayonetta would see a simultaneous worldwide release in the fall of this year. Now only Japan will be getting it before the year is out. It hits in developer Platinum Games' home territory on October 29.

Early 2010 -- it's the new Holiday 2009!