
The Engadget Show is today -- here's all the info!

The Engadget Show is happening today, Sunday, September 13th, in New York City. Our first guest will be Palm CEO Jon Rubinstein!

The show will take place at the Tishman Auditorium at Parsons The New School for Design. The beautiful venue (which you can see in a photo after the break) is located at 66 W. 12th Street between 5th and 6th Ave. Seating is limited and tickets will be handed out on a first-come, first-served basis -- which means if you want to join us in the audience for the show, you'll have to arrive early and be prepared for a little wait.

Here are some facts about the show:

  • The show is graciously sponsored by Nokia, and hosted by Parsons The New School for Design

  • Bit Shifter (one of our favorite chiptune artists) will be playing live at the first show!

  • The total show length will be around an hour

Here is what you need to know if you're coming today to be part of the audience:

  • There is no admission fee -- tickets are completely free

  • The event is all ages

  • The venue seats just over 450 people

  • Parsons students are welcomed, and we encourage them to come!

  • Tickets will be available for pickup at the Tishman Auditorium at 2PM today, and we're strongly encouraging people to get their tickets and not stand in line -- just pick up a ticket and then return in a couple hours for the taping. If you have a ticket, you'll have a seat!

  • You cannot pick up tickets for other people -- if you want your friend to get a ticket, bring your friend!

  • The show begins at 5PM, and doors will open at 4:30PM -- no one will be seated after 4:50PM

  • Hold on to your ticket stubs -- we have a very good reason which you'll find out about at the taping!

  • If you're going to tweet about the show (you know you want to), feel free to include #engadgetshow

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